Our new Parish Shrine, dedicated to Saint Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, is located on a rocky hill behind the Church overlooking the Hudson River.
St. Monica wept and prayed for her son's conversion for many years, and her prayers bore much fruit.
We have named the hill, Mothers' Mount.
Throughout the garden, on the Mount, stones have been placed,
honoring our mothers, living and deceased, who prayed for the faith of their children.
On Saturday, May 28th, His Eminence, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan blessed the shrine.
"St Monica was not the type to be defeated. She represents hope."
"Unbeknownst to the many adult children leaving their Catholic faith behind, a growing tsunami of prayers in the spirit of St. Monica is closing in on them. Books and prayer groups inspired by her example are sprouting up to ignite the same devotion and veracity with which she once pursued her son, St. Augustine of Hippo..."
Please click on the St. Monica icon to continue to read a recent article from the National Catholic Register. Patti Maguire Armstrong's latest book, "What Would Monica Do?" is featured. Learn how St. Monica is inspiring the formation of prayer groups, "Millions of Monicas" and the St, Monica Ministries all across the country.
St. Monica is having her moment! Read on for inspiration.
St. Augustine Parish has been designated as a Saint Kateri Habitat.
The Saint Kateri Habitat Program encourages Catholics and Catholic entities to restore and protect habitats on their property, at home and in their communities and to register it as such. Signs will soon be placed on the property.
St. Kateri Tekakwitha is the patroness of indigenous peoples, ecology and the environment.